Saturday, 18 February 2012

Subgenres of Thriller films

Thriller films can be put into sub genres as the film is to create thrills and suspense but is put into sub genres to apply to the narrative of the film. Some of these sub genres are:

Conspiracy Thriller

In this sub genre the protagonist must confront a large powerful organisation because of the threat they pose that only he/she can see. Usually done alone by the protagonist.

Crime Thriller

This sub genre focuses on crime and is usually in the criminals point of view. This usually involves physical action, chases on the criminal and point of views from the police trying to gather evidence to catch the criminal.

Eco Thriller
In this sub genre the protagonist must stop a threat to the environment that will have consequences for society if left unchecked or mistakes in the cause of this threat. The damage can range to be from local, national or even worldwide.

Forensic Thriller
In this sub genre the protagonist are forensic scientists whose involvement in an unsolved crime can threaten their life or the lives of others.

Legal Thriller

This sub genre is usually filmed in and around the courtroom. The protagonist is usually a lawyer who has found their case life threatening for them or their client, or can be a dramatic case of murder were the criminal is looking likely to get away with.

Medical Thriller

This sub genre something usually used for medical purposes which turn out to be a deadly virus. This virus is usually then leaked out into the public. The protagonist or antagonist are usually doctors.

Psychological Thriller

In this sub genre a lot of the conflict is mental, rather than physical. The protagonist has become involved in a dangerous situation which threats their sanity. They must beat the antagonist using mental prowess, whether the battle is in their own mind or is a battle of wits.

Political Thriller
In this sub genre political relations or the whole government is at stake, and the protagonist is employed by the government to stop the decline. The protagonist may have been low-level before having attracted attention.

Religious Thriller

This sub genre uses the history and myths of religion. Usually a religious artefact or historical secret is discovered and different people and groups are racing/ fighting each other for control.

Romantic Thriller
This is a sub genre of both thrillers and romantic novels. The plot line follows a typical thrillers tension, suspense and excitement, but a main element is the growing relationship between two characters.

Spy Thriller

This sub genre usually focuses on the high adventures of field agents of spies, this is usually set against the back drop of some war.

Supernatural Thriller

In this sub genre otherworldly elements are introduced, usually as an antagonistic force, some characters may have psychic abilities and other supernatural abilities may be present in the film too.

Techno Thriller

This sub genre involves cutting-edge technology playing an important role, either as something to obtain, or working for or against the protagonist.

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