Thursday, 26 April 2012

Who would be the audience for your media product?

As a group, we tried to ensure that our film would be aimed at males, around the ages of 15-18. We decided that this would be our most realistic target audience, becuase we had a young, predominantly male, cast to work with. Also, we felt that this target audience would be most interested in our themes- violence and crime, making it easy for us to relate to them and, in turn, making it easier for our media product to be a potential success.

Moreover, we made sure that our film could target the common people, generally of lower to middle class. We did this because we felt we could relate to this range of people easier than we could to the upper classes, generally originating from the middle class background ourselves. The characters in our film are of cockney origin (east-end London), helping us to further relate to our target audience. 

Furthermore, the age range we targeted was 15-18 year olds. We targeted this audience because the actors are in the age ranges themselves, and we felt that this age group was the easiest for us to relate to. As 17 year olds it would be extremely unrealistic to aim for the older generation, because their interests would most likely differ from ours, making it difficult for us to relate to them. 

Tuesday, 17 April 2012

It has taken three solid days of hard work... But yes we have finally finished our long anticipated film. We came to convlusion that we had filmed alot more than expected with footage lasting over 45 minutes. Picking the right scenes to be placed in our film was a long drawn out process. But we are convinced that we have selected the right scenes for our film.

However we did have trouble finding suitable scores for the film. It proved that every score which we downloaded just did not go with the film, so it was very frustrating trying to match a score with a scene. Evidently we did find the scores to match each scene. As a group we are confident that our opening sequence can create the suspense and tension in which a thriller movie creates.

BRACE YOURSELVES FOR ABRUPT PERSPECTIVE coming to a cinema near you soon...

Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Hooray! we have finally completed filming! goodness me that was a struggle. After 3 failed fliming schedules we have finally completed filming. As a group we are extremely pleased with the amount of filming we have completed.

Next stage we now have to fufill will be editing but I am sure we will not encounter any problems and be ready to hand in our final edition of the film, though it being late on Monday 16th as planned.

Thursday, 5 April 2012

Shooting Schedule 3- Evaluation

Our final day scheduled for filming proved to be extremely successful. All scenes were completed to a satisfactory standard, and editing can now be started. There were no safety hazards throughout the day, and the weather stayed constant. The only minor hiccups was one of the angles for the fight scene, a birdseye view, that may have to be filmed again as soon as possible, and an establishing shot of the alleyway in our film must be shot. (Filming on 5/04/12)